Thursday, October 30, 2014

Solar Radiation Across the World

This map shows the solar radiation level across the world I am not sure about the measurement is but you can get a good idea of the colors and the location for instance the deep orange color is closet to the equator as you move outwards it becomes yellow than eventually green. I like that its a whole map of the world and that distribution of colors is consistent with what you would imagine the high points of solar radiation would be (higher closer to equator. I may have chose a different color though for the area near the poles maybe a light blue because we associate that with colder climates and then inside near the equator used the red color even though the legend spectrum has that color I would have made values incorporate that color.
But then again I am not sure about the application completely maybe the color scale is a universral thing where showing the red in the spectrum would be unlikely.

You can read more about the map and solar radiation in the link below

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