Compared to the printed version, the colors on the digital copy look a lot lighter and more crisp. Especially the drop shadow it looks smudged and messy on the printed version, but on the digital copy it looks smooth. On the legend the text and colors look fine on the digital version but on the printed version the last spot on the legend is hard to read because all the colors appear darker. The light colors really didn't change as much but when you get to the middle class (seafoam green) to the darkest blue they got a lot darker in the printed version. I think I would have made the dark blue a bit lighter just so its easier to see text on the legend or maybe change the text color so I could keep the same color.
Overall I think the digital copy looks a lot better than the printed version it could be just because of the printer though and also the paper it is printed on. For example I printed some maps at kinkos color printer for another class and the colors came out looking almost exactly like the digital copy maybe because it was an industrial printer and because the paper was a thicker glossary type.
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