Saturday, September 27, 2014

Campus of Queens College of Durham University

This is a map of one of the satellite campuses of Durham University called Queens college. I picked this map because It shows more than just where the campus is it shows the city around it and the features give you an idea what is around you if you attend the school. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

What Our States Excel In

First of all I picked this map Cause I found the information pretty Intresting. But Strictly speaking on the font and type, its an eye sore. There is different types of sizes on the same phrases then different colors on the smaller states its hard to stare at for a while. Although the size of the font sometimes illustrates what it says when its larger typically that state has the most of that.

Check out the link below to get more info there is also a map on what our states do poorly in.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Distance From Toronto

 Leonard Guelke created this map to give you an idea of the distances from Toronto, Canada. According to description it is pretty accurate if you draw a straight line and do some math to get the distance, but many of the shapes of the continents are distorted. The shape was a sacrifice in order to get real world accurate distance. But you won't be able to get accurate distance measurement if you measure points that aren't Toronto (Sydney to Hong Kong won't be accurate but Toronto to Hong Kong will).  Check out the link below to get more information on the map and the maker.

I chose this map mostly because its interesting to see maps focusing on other parts of the world in relation to others. Normally Id think to see a map like this focusing from DC or New York although Toronto is still close to us its still a different focal point. Also I believe this projection is a conic projection because of the distortion at the outer circle of the map.